The Spark Blog

Tag: counselling

  • What is a Counselling Session Like?

    What is a Counselling Session Like?

    Deciding to try counselling usually comes after a lengthy period trying to solve problems by yourself or as a couple. Depending on what type of person you are, the idea of talking to a ‘stranger’ about deeply personal issues in a counselling session can create anything between ‘a little’ to ‘off the scale’ levels of…


  • Why Do We Do What We Do?

    Why Do We Do What We Do?

    Chances are that when we meet someone new one of the first questions we are asked is: ‘what do you do for a living?’  It breaks the ice, is a good starter for further conversation and helps build rapport. Here at The Spark a more important question is: ‘why do we do what we do?’ …


  • 3 Signs You’re Suffering from Stress

    3 Signs You’re Suffering from Stress

    Stress is a part of life but too much of it can be very harmful to us mentally, emotionally and physically. Not only that, it has a way of creeping up on us whilst we are completely unaware. Thus we tend we tend not to be looking for help or finding ways to deal with…


  • Why I Became a Counsellor

    Why I Became a Counsellor

    The Spark counsellor Josie tells us why she became a relationship counsellor in this week’s blog. I had spent most of my life living in Australia before moving to Scotland with my family. While I waited for my work permit I thought volunteering on a helpline would be a worthwhile thing to do. As part…


  • 5 Ways to Improve your Relationship

    5 Ways to Improve your Relationship

    Relationships – particularly the one we have with our partner or spouse – are vitally important. But as they are familiar and constant, we often take them for granted. Amongst the busyness of life it often feels like there is no time to ‘improve your relationship’. The good news is that even small changes can…


  • Who Cares for the Carers?

    Who Cares for the Carers?

    Despite being one of the richest countries in the world, the UK struggled to attend to the emotional and mental wellbeing of the long-term ill. Science and medicine have allowed us to make great strides in dealing with the physical symptoms of long-term illness. How we handle the mental and emotional health of patients has…


  • Why Did They Have an Affair?

    Why Did They Have an Affair?

    When an affair brings a couple to counselling, a common early indicator of problems is when one partner has taken intimate, emotional issues outside the relationship. Even if the emotional connection does not progress to sexual intimacy, severe damage can already have been done. The emotional cost of an affair Sharing your deepest thoughts and…


  • Early Mental Health and Adulthood

    Early Mental Health and Adulthood

    If you are interested in ‘what makes people tick’ you cannot help but have noticed the mass of TV programmes focused on the development of humans from childhood to adulthood. From The Secret Lives of 4 Year Olds to Bringing up Baby they examine how early mental health in children shapes the adults they subsequently…


  • Exam Results – A Young Persons’ Guide

    Exam Results – A Young Persons’ Guide

    Thousands of young adults across Scotland are about to receive their high school exam results. Naturally, it is a time that often brings with it stress, anxiety and other negative emotions for youngsters and their parents. In the first of a two-part blog, we offer our advice and top tips for young adults about to…
