The Spark Blog

Tag: counselling relationships

  • Perfect Parent, Perfect Family, Strained Relationship?

    Perfect Parent, Perfect Family, Strained Relationship?

    One of the most common issues raised in couples relationship counselling is a grievance list about the division of family and household responsibilities, and how it leads to a strained relationship. We are busier than ever in our lives and media messages appear to celebrate our busyness. There is almost an unspoken contest to see…


  • Something Feels Wrong in our Relationship…

    Something Feels Wrong in our Relationship…

    That sense that something is not right in a relationship – with our partner, kids, family or colleagues – often comes with a real difficulty in working out what it is. We can cause ourselves more upset and unhappiness by running over endless possibilities in our minds, tiptoeing around each other or just plain ignoring…


  • Depression: Spotting the Signs

    Depression: Spotting the Signs

    As part of Depression Awareness Week, we are featuring a series of posts about depression, its impact on our relationships and ways to tackle the problem. In this first blog we look at ways to spot the signs of depression and how to address it within a relationship. Spotting the signs of depression Depression is…
