Training Courses

Signs and Solutions: The Mental Health Continuum and Responding to Distress

This accredited programme has been developed to increase awareness around the mental health continuum and how it can be useful when offering support to others.

In this session we will explore what is meant by presenting as mentally healthy, reacting, injured or ill and will identify appropriate levels of intervention at each stage. We will also identify ways of navigating tricky situations while keeping safe personal boundaries and the importance of engaging in restorative self-care.

This CPD workshop is suitable for people in helping, management and non-clinical roles.

Course Aims

  • To introduce the mental health continuum
  • To increase understanding of medical model terms ‘mentally healthy’, ‘reacting’, ‘mentally injured’ and ‘mentally ill’
  • To introduce a new perspective ‘crisis’, ‘struggling’, surviving’, thriving’ and ‘excelling’
  • To increase awareness of common signs/symptoms and appropriate interventions at each stage of the continuum
  • To increase understanding of healthy and unhealthy reactions to stress and anxiety, and the importance of restorative self-care.

Course Overview

This 4-hour CPD workshop will include small and large group discussions with opportunities for participant led Q&A.

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If you have any questions about this or any of our other training courses, please use the form below to get in touch.

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